First Steps Towards Love

Book Cover, First Steps to Love

Join Daniel Ostoja as he converses with the Master, and learns about the ocean of love awaiting discovery within each and every one of us.

Love comes from outside of this artificial world. Happiness flows from experiencing Divinity and cooperating with it. Devote thirty percent of the time that you spend on your interest in worldly matters, for interest in Divinity, and life will change right away. Here is this huge gold mine worth exploitation.

Why should you bother with yet another book about the Divine? Why bother reading at all? What is the benefit? What should we do with what we have read? Is there any use in stuffing our heads with even more information?

First of all know that studying books alone is not enough. If you believe they contain spiritual truths, you will profit immensely when you start putting the guidance read into practice. A gram of practice is worth more than a tonne of theory. If you want to turn towards Divinity and experience its miraculous love, if you want to meet Light and become one with it, read and make the learned spiritual truths a practice.

Secondly, begin reading with the highest possible humility and trust in Divine Power and Love. Pray and ask to be shown which contents you should study, what to get acquainted with, what to practice.

Ask for light and love, so that the Creator may take advantage of the times when you study His words or other spiritual truths to direct you towards Himself. Thanks to this you will lead a more balanced life full of joy and happiness. Spiritual books carry within them the power of turning any kind of love towards the Source. Ask for a chance to take the next step towards God. Ask Him to become your Guide.

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